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One Hundred Years of Striving Ahead | Xinhai Holding Group organizes cadres and employees to watch the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress

On October 16, the 20th National Congress of the CPC opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xinhai Holding Group organized more than 200 Party members, cadres and employees to watch the opening ceremony of the conference in the Party Training Center, the multimedia conference room of the Marketing Center and the Party member activity room of the Quality Inspection Center.

While watching, everyone was attentive and listened carefully. "Our Party is committed to the great cause of the Chinese nation and the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind. It has an enormous responsibility and a glorious mission. All Party members must not forget their original aspiration, remember their mission, be modest and prudent, work hard, dare to struggle and be good at it, strengthen their historical confidence, enhance their historical initiative, and write a more brilliant chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era."

One hundred years of hard work, all the way forward triumphantly. They expressed their great joy and pride to witness this great historical moment together.
